Thursday, November 12, 2009


World Literature
Trimester Exam (200 points)

We have not succeeded in answering all your problems. The answers we have found only serve to raise a whole set of new questions. In some ways, we feel we are as confused as ever, but we believe we are confused on a higher level and about more important things.

Your task: Answer the following questions in the format suggested for each question. Be sure to pay attention to the time – you must be finished with the test by 2:03.
You must discuss each of the five works somewhere in your test.

1. The Cycle of the Hero
Analyze Beowulf’s adventure in terms of The Cycle of the Hero. You must address each component of the cycle for full credit – use bullets to designate each component and be very specific. (20 points)

2. Literary Archetypes
Choose characters from any of the stories we have read and explain how they match the criteria for specific Literary Archetypes. You may choose any characters from any of the works, and you may use a character for more than one archetype; however, you must explain in detail how the characters meet the criteria, and you must address each of the eight criteria. You must write this in bulleted form. (40 points)

3. Characteristics of the Tragic Man
Analyze Hamlet in terms of the Characteristics of the Tragic Man. If you decide Hamlet is a tragic man, he must fit each of the criteria. You must state whether Hamlet is or is not a tragic man in a sentence at the beginning of your answer. The rest of the answer must be bulleted (60 points – awarded for accuracy and ease of reading)

Analyze three characters from any of the works we read in terms of heroic qualities. You should include at least three heroic characteristics for each character.

Compare three themes that are prevalent in the works that we read. For the answer to this question, you need to pick three themes that you want to compare and at least two works for each theme (you may choose the same works for each theme). Be sure to cite specific examples to support your ideas. (50 points)

Do NOT open your server. Save to the desktop and to your zip drive.
Time yourself carefully! Save often!

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