Thursday, October 15, 2009

Beowulf -- Hero or braggart? (This post is graded)

Is Beowulf a true hero or just a braggart with an incredible ego problem?

Support your answer with at least two specific examples from your reading so far (Ch. 1 - 25)

This post is worth 30 points and will be evaluated according to the clarity of your position and the thorough explanation of your two examples.


  1. Beowulf says, "Grendel is no braver, no stronger than I am! I could kill him with my sword; I shall not, easy as it would be. This fiend is a bold and famous fighter, but his claws and teeth scratching at my shield, his clumsy fists beating at my sword blade, would be helpless. I will meet him with my hands empty-unless his heart fails him, seeing a solider waiting weaponless, unafraid. Let God in his wisdom extend his hand where he wills, reward who he chooses!" (Page 32) Grendel comes in to attack Beowulf when he was sleeping. Grendel questioned himself while he was on his way to get Beowulf, which shows there is some fear of Beowulf. Beowulf fought for a purpose also, he fought for his freedom. Beowulf ends up defeating Grendel. I think he is a true hero because he did defeat Grendel, but he does talk a lot of smack. But the only way that Beowulf defeated Grendel is when he called for his men to help. After Beowulf's men ripped out Grendel's arm, Grendel fled back to his den. What I think is really cocky that Beowulf did was after he ripped his arm off, he hung it up on his wall, to remind him that he is the winner. The next day when Beowulf is talking to Hrothgar, Hrothgar promises Beowulf gifts. Hrothgar holds and banquet and gives the promised gifts, and also rewards Beowulf's helpers and men. Beowulf was given weapons, and horses. Later it talks about how sad Grendel's mother is about her son's defeat, and how Grendel turns to the Lord for help. Hrothgar then asks Beowulf to go and kill Beowulf's mother. Hrothgar tells Beowulf that if he kills her, he will get a chest of gold. I think this shows that Beowulf is a little selfish how he does his acts for money. When Beowulf goes to attack her, she drags him into a sea where a bunch of these sea creatures attack him. He gets a taste of his own medicine by having people gang up on him. But Beowulf ends up slitting her throat with a sword that was on Grendel's mother's wall and kills her. Beowulf still has a bunch of anger and rage after he kills Grendel's mother, he sees Grendel dead in the corner and cuts his head off. At first, everyone thinks that Beowulf is dead, but he swims up to shore of his city where the Danes see him holding the head of Grendel. They pull a lord of the flies and put Grendel's head on a stick and parade it around. Beowulf lives for his own pride, he does things so people think more of him. Yes, he is brave, but does it for the reward. I am stuck between if he is a true hero or just a braggart.

  2. I believe that Beowulf is a true hero because he has the hero qualities that i believe what makes up a hero. He is strong, Confiedent, brave, and doesn't back down on a fight or challenge."Grendel is no braver, no stronger, than i am! i could kill him with my sword; i shall note easy as it would be. this fiend is a bold and famous fighter, but his claws and teeth scratching at my shield , his clumsy fists beating at my sword blade, would be helpless. i will meet him with my hands empty--unless his heart fails him." pg. 31-32 This quote just tells me how he is a true hero and believes in himself and has a lot of confidence which is good to be when your a hero. " No one strange to this land has ever been granted what i've given you, No one in all my years of rule. Make this best of all mead-halls yours, and then keep it free of evil, Fight with glory in your heart! Purge Herot and your ship will sail home with its treasures holds full!" Pg 30 When Herot asked beowolf if he could take down Grendel, Beowolf didn't back down from the challege he was gladly to take him down and kill him. When he had his encounter with Grendel. Grendal was really confident going into the fight but once he realized how strong Beowulf had his grip on his arm. Quickly after he grabbed his arm he ripped it clearly off the socket. Then he eventually killed and defeated Grendal. He took the arm back to Hrothgar as a medal or a trophy that he killed Grendal. All the people danced around it and were in great cheer! I defiantly think that Beowulf is seen as a Hero. Not a braggert.

  3. Beowulf defeated Grendel and thats why i believe he is a true hero. Grendel went to get Beowulf when he was asleep but didnt go after him right away. That shows that he was a little scared of him. True heroes make others scared of them. When you are not a hero you are afraid of heroes and what they could do to you. But also if you are on a hero's good side, like for example if they safe you from a train crashing into on the movie "Handcock" then you arent afraid of them but if you are the hero's enemy you are scared and afraid of them. Grendel is Beowulfs ememy therefore he has fear of him. A hero also does something amazing and shows how strong they are and Beowulf did that by taking down Grendel. He showed how much power he had and how strong he could be. Heroes also can be cocky and show off. Beowulf did this after him and his men took of Grendels arm he posted it up on the wall like Abby stated him her comment as well. He was pretty cocky about what he did but i believe thats what makes him a hero. Heroes also may have back-up with them. He did when he called his men in to help him take down Grendel. They came in and took out his arm as i just stated. Its like Batman has Rodin, Super man has wonder women, The incredibles have each other. They are a great example of this they are a family i know they are fiction characters but they all stick together as Beowulf and his man did and took down Grendel. These are all the reasons why i think Beowulf is a great true hero!

  4. Beowulf is a good hero because he is strong and brave. Beowulf never backs down on a fight or never says that he doesnt want to fight he is strong and a dang goof leader becasue he shows power and determination to kill Grndal. He also is crazy and is a freak because he rips of grendals arm because he is fighting him he defeats Grendel and brings back his arm to Hrothgar as a trophy because Grendal kills so many of the people that the people dance around and celebrate the victory of grendal. I dont no pages cause of the audio tape but Beowulf says that he can defeat him because he is not as powerful as himself

  5. I forgot my examples here they are...On page 30 Beowulf was asked if he could take down Grendel and he didnt back down he said he could and would. That is a sign of a hero he has no doubt. Another example is on page 32 Beowulf says Grendel is no stronger than him of braver than him and he can kill him! That is a sign of confidence and that is a great sign that he is a true hero as well!

  6. Beowulf shows his side of a braggart and a hero based on his actions and how people honor or dispise him.
    Unferth had attempted to defeat Grendel and when he and Beowulf were talking about it, Beowulf was being a conceded jerk and telling him that no one was better than him and that he was worth so much more to others and always would be... "Neither he nor you can match me--and i mean no boast, have announced no more than i know to be true. And there's more: you murdered your brothers,"(pg 28, line 585- 588)He couldn't let it stop there, but had to bring back a burden that Unferth could never take back. He rubbed it in his face and tried to belittle him.
    Where as on the opposite hand, the people are glad that Beowulf is making the sacrifice and being their "exterminator" to be rid of Grendel and rid them of their troubles. They praise him for this and he recieves gifts to show their appriciation. For what he has done, but he is definetly not modest about the defeat of GRendel.. He takes his arm and hangs it up for the world to see so as he recieve more praise and then when Grendel's mother comes and takes it back he feels like she took his honor from him and he feel he needs to get it back because now he has no one to praise him.. he's very selfish.He does however admit that without his God... he could have been defeated.. he admits defeat."I'd have been dead at once, and the fight finished, the she-devil victorious, if our Father in Heaven had not helped me."(71, line 1656-1658)( the rest is underneath)

  7. I think he is actually a hero because even though he does brag some he has done enough good things to support it. He was the only one who could kill the monsters and he never said it was just him he always said that it was god who gave him the power to do things. "unferth's noble weapon, could do nothing, Nor could I, until the Ruler of the world showed me, hanging shining and beautiful on a wall, a mighty old sword-- so God gives guidance to those who can find it from no one else."( page 71, line 1159-1664) He says he is the only one that can defeat them, but this is true because all the other men that had tried to go down into the waters to help had all died. People had even lost faith in him and thought he was dead. Than he came up with Grendels head. He was also given lots of gifts because of what he had done and how many people he had saved. The king had always respected what he was doing although he probably was afraid that people would start liking beo and thinking he was better than him, his people never lost respect in their leader. Hrothgar said " let me take you to my heart, make you my son, too, and love you:" (page 41 lines 947-948) he was glad that beo had saved his people.

  8. I think that Beowulf is a hero becuase he took down Grendal. Beowulf also has many hero qualities like brave, Courageous, strong, and a leader. He also showed a few signs of being a braggert like him thinking that he is the best and is better than everyone. I also think that the confidence he has is a good thing becasue it shows he is willing to do whatever it takes and fight anyone to prove he is the best. "Grendel is no braver, no stronger than i am! I could kill him with my sword; i shall not, Easy as it would be. this fiend is a bold and famous fighter, but hiss claws and teeth scratching at my shield, his clumsy fists beating at my sword blade, would be helpless. i will meet him with my hands empty unless his heart fails him, seeing a soldier waiting weaponless, unafraid. Let god in his wisdom extend his hand where he wills, reward whom he chooses!" (page 31 and 32). I think that was a good example because it showed his courage to fight no matter what and his confindence that he could beat anyone. I think that by Grendal attacking him unexpectantly showed that he was afraid and that shows that Beowulf is strong and intimidating. " When we crossed the sea my comrades and I, I already knew that all my purpose was this: to win the goodwill of your people or die in battle, pressed in Grendels fierce grip. Let me live in greatness and courage, or here in this hall welcome my death!" (page 29). I think that example showed that he is a great leader, which is a quality of a hero because it showed his willingness to die for what he wanted to do and what he believed in and it showed that he was courageous in willing to fight Grendel. Those are the reasons i think Beowulf is a hero......

  9. I think Beowulf definitely shows to be a hero and a braggart. He has many heroic characteristics like courage, strength, and leadership. He obviously knows how to fight and fight for the good of others as shown when he fought Grendel. He came to help Hrothgar and his people to rid them all of this horrible creature. He did exactly that too. Grendel had never felt such fear when up against any human as the fear he faced with Beowulf. He thought himself to be unstoppable, but then came across the path of a human such as the one called Beowulf. Not even any mortals weaponry could defeat him. He was untouchable until now. He discovered that his grip was too tight, and that the longer he lay in that grip the more power he began to lose."The monster's hatred rose higher, But his power was gone. He twisted in pain, And the bleeding sinews deep in his shoulder Snapped, muscle and bone split, And broke" (Raffel 36-37 lines 814-818). For glory Beowulf had torn Grendel's arm off. The king and his people gave him much appreciation, glory, filled his ego a little more, and gave gifts for his triumph against the monster. The way he did a lot of this for glory shows his supreme pride issue.
    We also see it in previous actions his too. When he first arrived there we even saw it. Unferth was one who tried to go up against Grendel, but Grendel would not kill him. He thought that if he could kill him the he could get glory, but if not then he died in battle against him and would receive glory anyway. Grendel would not give him this and Beowulf boasted about his winnings to Unferth. He told of how he had never had such glory or even tales told about him. He was never bold enough. Unferth decided to come back with that he could not beat Brecca across the sea. Beowulf full of answers said that he had come across sea-creatures versus him in whether he have his life still. It was much more of a battle than Brecca had getting across so he still had his dignity, also Unferth killed his brother. They seemed to go back in forth trying to win the upper hand. This shows how highly Beowulf thinks of himself.
    On the other side we, however, find that his hubris is not completely him thinking within himself. He does believe god helps him in his actions. "My life was almost lost, fighting for it, Struggling under water: I'd have been dead at once, And the fight finished, the she-devil victorious, If our Father in Heaven had not helped me" (Raffel 71 lines 1655-1668). As we see it Beowulf portrays both parts. He is a hero and a braggart, but which one truly overcomes the other? Fate seems to be shown immensely and how it is unknown for Beowulf. Will his hubris be the end of him or will his heroic side come out on top?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Beowulf is in my opinion a braggart. He is a hero of sorts, there is no denying that, but he is a very proud hero. He killed not only Grendel, but also Grendel's mother, and was never afraid of a challenge. He was always willing to help the weaker people and defend those who needed defense, but on the flip side, he was also very haughty about how he had won so many victories and had defeated this or that. He was very foolish and in his conquests brought himself a lot of pain. Unferth said in Chapter 8, "You're Beowulf, are you -- the same boastful fool who fought a swimming match with Brecca, both of you daring and young and proud, exploring the deepest seas, risking your lives for no reason but the danger?" (Raffel 24 lines 506-511). Even the foolish wannabe-hero Unferth recognized he had a problem. He was stupidly proud, and eventually he will get what is coming to him. You can't really say he has hubris, because he always seems to be ready to thank the gods. "He and all his glorious band of Geats thanked God that their leader had come back unharmed" (Raffel 70 lines 1625-1628). However, he was very egotistic and was debatably too sure of himself. At the end of chapter 24, Hrothgar says to Beowulf, "Be not as Hermod once was to my people, too proud to care what their hearts hid, bring them only destruction and slaughter...At the end he was alone" (Raffel 73 lines 1709-1715). King Hrothgar recognized Beowulf's pride and wanted to make sure that Beowulf did not let it consume him, because in the end it would leave him with nothing and no one but himself. All things eventually become worthless and only what good we have done and what choices we have made ultimately decide what our worth is. For Beowulf, he had to make a choice to change to a more humble hero, or continue his path of pride that leads only to destruction.

  12. and that shows a generous, kind hero quality that the people needed to defeat Grendel... and before he leaves, the king gives him gifts and tells him how much he was glad to have him there and told him of how intelligent he thought him to be and thanked him indefinately. The way the king can look @ him and praise him for ridding of their hurt shows how heroic the people thought him to be and when all was said and done he did indeed, seem modest and very kind to the king for all that he said.

  13. I think that Beowulf is absolutely a hero and not a braggart, I strongly believe that he shows many hero qualities, because he only kills for the good of mankind not for only personal benefits. When I think of a hero I think of someone that has abnormal qualities for instance, being stronger, faster, more dedicated, or more quick minded than most. "But so massive that no ordinary man could lift its carved and decorated length" (Raffel lines 1560-1561). To me this quote makes him extremely powerful and strong, because he was able to do something that not many others could accomplish. This is a quote from when Beowulf is battling with Grendel's mother, he is starting to realize that it is a fair fight, when she is matching him blow for blow he sees the massive sword on the wall. He uses it to decapitate Grendel's mother, then he sees the corpse of Grendel himself and he also decapitates him to avenge all of those who he killed, Beowulf considers this to be unfinished business. Also I strongly believe that Beowulf kills these two monsters for the good of the city, not for personal vengeance. "I've avenged their crimes, and the Danes they've killed. And I promise you that whoever sleeps in Herot- You, your brave soldiers, anyone of all the people in Denmark, old or young- they, and you, may now sleep without fear of either monster, or mother or son" (Raffel lines 1669-1676). This is a quote from after Beowulf returns from his battle deep in the water. Here he is talking about all the people that can now stop worrying about being killed by the monsters. He makes it very clear that he does this for the good of the people, not for personal bragging rights, and I think that in this story other people praise him much more than he praises himself. If he was a braggart with an ego problem he would come back and most likely over exaggerate the story to make himself seem even more of a hero. But he keeps to the truth and tells everyone that they can now sleep soundly at night without worrying about not only Grendel, but his mother (who I'm positive would have seeked revenge if Beowulf hadn't killed her before she got the chance). Therefore I believe Beowulf is a hero because he uses his strengths for the good of others, and not just for himself, he has obvious advantages among other men and he uses them to benefit everyone around him, even people he has no connection to at all.

  14. I think that Beowulf is a hero because he killed Grendel and even before that he was confident that he can kill Grendel. Beowulf says, "Grendel is no braver, no stronger than I am! I could kill him with my sword; I shall not, easy as it would be. This fiend is a bold and famous fighter, but his claws and teeth scratching at my shield, his clumsy fists beating at my sword blade, would be helpless. I will meet him with my hands empty-unless his heart fails him, seeing a solider waiting weaponless, unafraid. Let God in his wisdom extend his hand where he wills, reward who he chooses!" (Page 32) He is a hero because he saved everyone from Grendel by killing him. He is a hero because he kills for the betterment of the people not for his own selfish reasons. " When we crossed the sea my comrades and I, I already knew that all my purpose was this: to win the goodwill of your people or die in battle, pressed in Grendels fierce grip. Let me live in greatness and courage, or here in this hall welcome my death!" (page 29). Beowulf showed a lot of hero qualities when he went and fought Grendel. Bravery, strenght, skill, and courage a long with many more. He is a hero in many ways.

  15. I think Beowulf is a hero but at the same time he is a braggart. He has all of the hero characteristics but he has no problem showing that he thinks he is the best.
    On page 31 he gets rid of all his armor. I know he said he would fight Grendel with nothing except his bare hands but he could keep his armor like he does when he fights with Grendel's mother. When Beowulf is fighting the mother on page 66 he keeps his armor and that saves him from being crushed. Why couldnt he have kept his armor while he faught Grendel? I think he was too arrogant to keep it. He was probably thinking "Watch this. No on else can beat this guy but I can." He wanted to leave people biting their nails. Waiting.
    On the other hand, Beowulf is a hero because he goes out on a quest and returns with victory. He killed Grendel and his mother just like he said he would. He has the strenghth and power that nobody else has. He has the skill and the wisdom to defeat. He obviously has courage because he doesnt hesitate to say yes to a challenge.

  16. Along with my other post I would like to clarify that he can be seen either way. Towards the end I have talked about how his hubris was not all in his way of giving thanks to only himself. This showed that he after all does not show supreme pride (or that in one part thinks he is better than the gods) in that case. He thanks the gods for his successes and gifts unlike those who are completely full of hubris.

  17. I think that Beowulf is a true hero. He has similar qualities of a hero. He is strong, wise, and brave-hearted. He wasn't ever afraid of anything. He killed Grendel and Grendle's mother. He went to help Hrothgar get rid of his enemies and bad people that Hrothgar didn't want around. And surely that's what he did was get rid of them. After Grendel killed Esher, Beowulf was called in by Hrothgar to get rid of Grendel. When he came this is what Beowulf said: "Let your sorrow end! It is better for us all to avenge our friends, not mourn them forever, each of us will come to the end of this life on earth; he who can earn it should fight for the glory of his name; fame after death is the noblest of goals." (page 62, lines 1384-1389). "Arise, guardian of this kingdom, let us go, as quickly as we can, and have a look at this lady monster, I promise you this: she'll find no shelter, no hole in the ground, no towering tree, no deep bottom of a lake, where her sins can hide." (page 62, lines 1389-1394). So Beowulf is basically saying that he is going to find Grendel and when he does there will be no more suffering or mourning because he will kill her.
