Wednesday, October 28, 2009

HAMLET Act 2 Relationships and Betrayal

What do you learn about Hamlet in Act 2? Every time I read the play, I wonder if Hamlet really loves Ophelia or if he is actually "playing" her like her dad (Polonius) and brother(Laertes) say he is. I hear his words and see how he behaves toward her, and also wonder if he is "mad" like Polonius says, or if he is just trying to sort things out.
One way that Shakespeare's characters share their true feelings is through soliloquy. I need to review the soliloquy on 117-118 to help me decide.

As you read Act 2, you might want to discuss how the themes are portrayed.


  1. The first thing Ophelia talks about it how Hamlet is mad for love. Hamlet is very violent toward Ophelia. "He took me by the wrist and held me hard. Then he goes to the length of all his arm, and with his other hand thus o'er his brow, he falls to such persual of my face as he would draw it. Long stayed he so. At last, a little shaking of mine arm, and thrice his head thus waving up and down, he raised a sigh so piteous and profound as it did seem to shatter all his bulk and end his being. That done, he lets me go, and, with his head over his shoulder turned, he seeme to find his way without his eyes, for out o' doors he went without their helps and to the last bended their light on me." (Page 79, Act 2. Scene 1. Lines 98-112) Polonius tires to side with Ophelia and test Hamlet to see if he is insane. The king agrees with the plan which leaves Polonius and Hamlet alone. Polonius calls Hamlet is Fishmonger and they argue. I don't really know if Hamlet is really mad or if he is faking it. If he isn't really mad, he is doing a good job of faking it. I think he is a little confused.

  2. We think that Hamlet is sadly mistaken in his actions by the ones around him. They think him to be mad, but really are his actions that crazy? He cannot even begin to grasp how his loved ones act like they are so okay with his father's death. By the way he is acting he is just trying to sort things out in our opinion. With the play he put on we believe that he had a great idea with this. What other way would be greater to bring out the king's true conscientious of the event? When it comes to his love for Ophelia we believe that he really does, but wishes to not show it. She dumped him and he is angry about it. Even if she did not want to. He acts very bitter towards her, but in a way that shows his true frustration on the subject. We think in his mind, he believes that she is just obeying her father's wishes, but it still bothers him. (The fact that she would not go against her father's wishes for him and fight for their love. [This may show that his love was so great that it bothered him this much]. Their rank in society differed so, that for her to give up on the love for Hamlet, he was hurt and felt that he would not be able to let go or find another as of his love for Ophelia.)

  3. I believe that he loved her because when she dumped him he got angry and frusturated. Which really means that he does care for her.
