Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Antigone "Conscientious Objection"

What is "conscientious objection"?

In what ways does Antigone demonstrate conscientious objection?

In your opinion, did she do the right thing? Explain your view in terms of how 21st Century citizens might view her actions.

Describe a situation when a citizen of the 21st Century in another country might feel compelled to become a "Conscientious Objector" or describe a situation from the past in the United Sates when people did become "Conscientious Objectors" (1849? 1968-1973?). Be sure to include the reason(s) why a citizen might do this and compare that to Antigone's reason(s).


  1. Conscientious objection would be when a person refuses to do or participate in something due to their beliefs and/or morals. Antigone believes her brother, as well as any other person, deserves a right to proper burial. She goes against the new king, Creon, by going out to find her brother's body to bury him. She does receive the chance to give that to him, but knows there are consequences she now faces. She finds that Creon wants her dead. She is to be walled up alive in a rocky vault where she will be left to die. In my opinion, she did the right thing. Her view that her brother deserved the right to proper burial was right in my mind. Creon should not have taken that away. Her actions may be viewed as rash, but also heroic and full of courage. She knew what would come to her if she did this, but did it for the love of her brother.

  2. when someone knows in their heart and minds that something isn't right and they object to doing whatever it is that goes against their will... they are conscientiously objecting.
    I believe that Antigone was right in what she did based on what she believed.... Others would have said she was wrong based on the law but if i were her i think i would do the same thing.. it takes a lot of courage to do something like that knowing that death is what awaits you if you do.
    I think that today it would be more acceoted than then b/c we wouldn't have put death on something like that.. i think we would have most likey been more apt to ask if they wanted their brother buried a certain way... we believe differently today than they did then.

  3. This is not a mandatory post; just think about it and post if you woiuld like.

    What happened in Iran during the election? What is happening now in the US with the "tea parties" and the "town hall meetings"? Are there people today who are "punished" in some way for their beliefs?

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  5. Conscientous objection is refusing to do something that the law says because of what your morals and belifes are.
    Antigone knows that buryinng her brother is not the right thing to do by law, but she believe it is the right thing to do for her morals. She knows she will get in trouble, but it willing to get in trouble for what she believes is right. Antigone says " I did it. I don't deny a thing." (81).
    I think she did do the right thing. The law is normally a very general standard. You should fallow it, but i think she wanted her brother to go out to right way. She would have been wrong if she didn't think she should get punished but she is willing to pay for her actions. I think most people would understand what she did.
    I think a situation would be if you go to another country and have have a different god than what you believe it. You don't want to be disrepsectful and not do what everyone else is, but you also don't want to follow something you don't believe in.

  6. Conscientous objection is where you follow your morals instead of the law because you dont believe in what the law says. Antigone knew that burying her brother would be wrong by the laws standards but knew that it had to be done and her morals told her to do it. She does it and knows that she will be killed but she does it anyway and when she is asked about it she says "I did it. I don't deny a thing." (PG 138)
    She made the right choice because it made her happy and what she thought was right. Laws are made to be followed but if you really are strongly against something then don't follow it stand up for what you believe in.
    Citzens might do the same type of thing because they want there rights and the feelings to be heard. People go to the extreme meausers to get there thoughts heard, and to prove points.

  7. Conscientous objection is when you refuse to partake in something because of your beliefs or morals, a majority of the time it is going against a law. Antigone knew that burying her brother was against the law and that she would be sentenced to death for it, but she did it anyways. Because he was her brother and to her that is enough for him to deserve a proper burial. She didn't see him as a trator like Creon did because he was family no matter what he chose to do. I think she did the right thing because even though he died in a disgraceful way he was still family. All he was doing was fighting for HIS beliefs, and when Antigone buried him she was fighting for hers.
    I agree with Lottie when she says that a good example is going to another country and arguing religion. It something that people are passionate about just like Antigone is passionate about giving her brother what he deserves.

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  9. Conscientious objection is when someone takes a stand against something for a religious, moral, or ethical reason. Usually, this objection is directed towards the government in its place. Antigone shows conscientious objection when she disobeys the decree throughout Thebes about the burial of Polynices. She directly and deliberately disobeys the decree, and is not afraid to deny it. I believe she did the right thing in burying her brother and paying proper respects to him. She knew what she was doing and she wanted to make sure everyone else knew that she knew what she was doing and why she was doing it. She says in "Antigone", "Land of Thebes, city of all my fathers-O you gods, the first gods of the race! They drag me away, now, no more delay. Look on me you noble sons of Thebes-the last of a great line of kings, I alone, see what I suffer now at the hands of what breed of men-all for reverence, my reverence for the gods!" (107) She was doing it because she thought it was right in the eyes of the gods. She was outraged at the way that Creon so disgustingly had her arrested her for this crime of love and respect.

    A modern example of this happened just this past year when a nurse from Brooklyn was forced to choose between her job or not assisting in an abortion. She fought so hard to not have to help perform the abortion. The situation was that the patient, 22 weeks into pregnancy, had preeclampsia, a condition that can cause seizures or even possibly death if it is not taken care of. Catherina Cenzon-DeCarlo was in a tough situation. She said, "I emigrated to this country in the belief that here religious freedom is sacred. Doctors and nurses shouldn't be forced to abandon their beliefs and participate in abortion in order to keep their jobs." (NYPOST.com) This woman was not only following the strong Catholic beliefs that she had, but was respecting the life of this baby.

    Antigone was left with the same choice of respect with consequences, and following her convictions, or denying everything she knew and believed for the sake of not feeling the heat. It was a tough choice, but I believe she made the right one.

  10. Conscientious objection is when someone refuses to do something because of his/her beliefs.
    Antigone shows this by refusing to leave her brother the way he is. She wants him burried but Creon (the king) says not to burry him. Antigone follows when she believes by burrying him anyway.
    In my opinion, Antigone did do the right thing. Its her brother and I believe its a very loyal thing to do. She knew Creon would be upset and she might be punished for it but she followed her heart and did the right thing.
    Today, if a person is in another country they might feel compelled to become a conscientious objector because they are not home. They arent going to change their beliefs just because they are in a different country. No one should have to do that. If you compare this to Antigone its pretty much the same, I think. Antigone didnt change her mind just because Creon was king or because he said so.

  11. Conscientous Objection is when one person in a community goes against their towns rituals and beliefs. In this book it shows a lot of conscientous objection.
    In the book Antigone it starts out saying how both of her brothers died fighting for their country. Polynices and Etescles are her brothers. Polynices fought against Creon(the king of Thebes) and Etescles fought for Creons side it was a civil war. Etescles got a burial becuase he fought for his country and Creon gave him the right to a burial.Polynices wasn't given a proper burial because he fought Creon. In this time period not given a person a proper burial was really disrespectful and not right. It would go against many peoples riutals today if you didn't give a loved one a proper burial. Creon said he couldn't have a proper burial because it was the LAW!!!!!Antigone wasn't going to have this happen to her brother..just let him rot and not get buried. But if she went against the law she would be exiled if she went and buried her brother. She did and that was going against Concientious Objection. She asked her sister Ismene if she wanted to bury her sister with her but she said it's not worth dying for but Antigone didn't think so.what? You'd bury him--When a law forbids the city? Ismene said this on page 61 line 54. This happened in the 20 and 21 century when the people of the United States had a riot against the Vietnam war and they all went to Washington D.C. to riot agianst the war and this was concientous objection because they were going agaisnt what the government thought and their LAW!!!

  12. this is #4 on my test im using this question for my test

  13. Im going to use this for my last test question on the test...
    Concientious Objection is when a person of community goes against the law because of their religious beliefs. Theres many times this comes about in this book but the main one is about Antigone both her bothers fought in the war. One got a burial and the other didnt because of each side they fought one. They both fought on different sides. E got a burial and P didnt. Back then if you didnt get a proper burial that was called disrespectful. Creon said he couldnt have a proper burial because it was the law but she wasnt going to have this happen because it is her religion to have a proper burial and thats what she wants! She says if he cant let him rot because he needs a proper burial. If she went against the law she would be exiled. She went a buried he bother by herself and she was exiled. This is a great example of concientous objection.

  14. Conscientious Objection is a person who on religious, moral or ethical grounds refuses to do something because of their beliefs, religion or values. Conscientious Objection is shown in Antigone in many ways. Some being when Antigone knew that by having a proper burial for her brother would be wrong according to the law but she knew that it was what she wanted, she knew it was the right thing to do, and she knew that she believed in it so she did it anyway. she knows that their will be consequences for her actions and would probably be killed but she wants to do what she believs in. Antigone asked Ismene if she wanted to be a part of it and have a proper burial for her sister but she said no becuase she didnt think it was worth dying for. i think she made the right decision by burying him becasue it was the right thing and she will not regret it. " There is no shame in honouring my brother." (pg 140)
    These kinds of things happen a lot in soceity today. Some cases in which this is shown is when Rosa Parks decided to not give up her seat on a bus to a white person when she was told to go to the back of the bus. She knew that the consequences would probably be jail but she stood up for what was right and didnt regret her decison. Another is when thousands of people went to Washington DC and protested against the Vietnam War becasue they thought it was wrong.

    I want this question graded on my test!

  15. Antigone went against the orders of the new King Creon and found Polynice's body so she could give him a proper burial. Thats what a "CO" is, somebody that goes against standard or "everyday" beliefs,morals, etc. Her brothers both fought on different sides of the war. Creon said that whoever attemped to try and give Polynice a proper burial would be put to death. Antigone knew what she had to do. She asked her sister Ismene for help with the burial but Ismene had to respectfully decline (she didn't want to die!) I think Antigone had every right to bury Polynice and for that she was Conscientiously Objecting to what the King of Thebes had told her!

  16. conscientious objection
    refusal on moral or religious grounds to bear arms in a military conflict or to serve in the armed forces.
    She refuses to have her brother not have a proper burial even though it is totally against her religion and she will get in lots of trouble it she does.

  17. Conscientiuos is a refusing to take part in something because of your morals or religous believes and values. In the play A went agianst this because she felt it was right to have a barial even though she new that she could get into a lot of trouble creon told them that if anyone tried to have a properal barial that he would have them put to death. I think it shows lots of courage in A's part because she cared so much about giving him a barail that she risked her life for him.

  18. Conscientious objection is not doing something because of your own beliefs or morals. Antigone thinks it is her brother's right to have a proper burial. Antigone went against her conscientious objection because she knew if she had a proper burial for her brother, she would get into a lot of trouble. Creon told them that that would be the outcome. Antigone shows a lot of respect toward her brother and her family during this. I don't think what she did is wrong at all. Yes, a death sentence could be the outcome, but this is her own family. Family matters a lot. I don't know what I would personally do in this kind of situation. Good thing I live in the 21st century. :)
