Monday, September 21, 2009

King Oedipus Theme

Theme addresses a "Big Question" that relates to the "Human Condition." Think about how Oedipus has changed from the beginning of the play to the end. List at least three possible themes that address the big questions that still concern us today.

Remember to mark page numbers for quotations you may want to use on the test.


  1. Theme:
    1. individual vs. state
    2. ignorance is an excuse
    3. hubris, purpose of prophecy

    * can he truely have been guilty if he hadn't known he ever did it??? if it was unintentional to kill a king let alone his father, could he really be guilty?

  2. Themes:
    1. Prophecy
    2. Person VS. Group
    3. Ignorance is an Excuse
    If he didnt know he did it give him a break.

  3. Themes-
    1. Free will vs. fate
    2. Ignorance is an excuse
    3. Purpose of prophecy

    Today if a person is found guilty, but pleads it may be from insanity (or another excuse) does it mean he had the right to get away with it or not? This could be seen in Oedipus when he killed Laius. He did not know it was Laius, but he still killed.

  4. Themes:
    - Integrity
    - Individual VS state
    - the blind "see"

    He didn't know that he was not with his real parents because they never had told him. I think that they should have told him that they weren't his real parents even if they didn't know were he had originally came from.

  5. Themes
    the blind see
    Proper burial of the dead

  6. Themes:
    Ignorance- he was ignorant to the thought that he did something wrong.

  7. Themes-
    1. The Blind "See"
    2. Ingnorance as an exuse
    3. Integrity

  8. Themes:
    1. integrity - he had to follow through with the threat, even though he knew it was going to be himself at the end of the line.
    2. despair - he felt despair over what he had done, just as how most people today do, except today, it is more of a despair that they got caught, rather than sorrow for what they did, as was the case with Oedipus
    3. ignorance is an excuse - he plead that he didn't know

  9. Themes:
    1. Ignorance in an excuse
    2. The blind "see"
    3. Free will vs state

  10. Themes:

    1) Man vs Group
    2) Suicide
    3) Sight and/or Blindness

  11. Themes:
    1. Ignorance
    2. Blind see
    3. Free will

  12. Themes:
    1. the blind 'see'
    2. ignorance
    3. integrity

  13. Themes

    1. free will
    2. Blind
    3. suicide

  14. Themes:
    1. The blind can "see".
    2. Individual Vs. State
    3. Despair
